Kamis, 27 Desember 2007


Langkah Langkah Membuat Hompage
Bermacam macam langkah yang digunakan oleh para web designer dalam membuat suatu homepage tetapi pada garis besarnya langkah langkah yang diambil adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Membuat Sketsa Desain :
Dalam mendesain suatu homepage langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah membuat sketsa disain pada kertas, hal ini dilakukan untuk memberi gambaran bagaimana homepage kita nanti setelah selesai dan bagaimana cara mengatur letak letaknya. tetapi untuk kebanyakan orang langkah ini biasanya dilewati dan langgsung meloncat ke langkah kedua.

2. Membuat Layout Desain :
Setelah sketsa sudah jadi, kita menggunakan software seperti Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks dan Macromedia Freehand untuk memperhalus sketsa desain dan juga menambahkan efek efek pada sketsa tersebut. Setelah layout desain homepage sudah jadi. File gambar tersebut dipecah menjadi potongan kecil-kecil untuk mengoptimize waktu download.Karena file gambar biasanya berukuran besar sehingga akan memerlukan waktu lama untuk membuka untuk membuka halaman web yang memakai gambar tersebut. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut kita dapat menggunakan software Adobe Image Ready. Software ini dapat langsung memotong gambar yang besar tadi dan otomatis juga menjadikannya ke dalam format html. Langkah ini bisa saja dilewatkan bila ukuran gambar kita tidak terlalu besar.

3. Membuat Animasi :
Animasi diperlukan untuk menghidupkan homepage kita agar menarik pengunjung. Macromedia Flash dan Gif Construction Set dapat dipakai untuk melakukan hal tersebut.

4. Membuat HTML :
Setelah itu kita merapikan layout desain kita seperti menempatkan beberapa tombol dan gambar, menambah text, mengedit script HTML, membuat layout form ke dalam format HTML. Untuk itu kita perlu software HTML Editor seperti Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage dan Allaire Homesite.

5. Programming dan Script :
Untuk website e-commerce, iklan baris, lelang, database, membuat guestbook, counter dan forum diskusi. selain itu script ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mempercantik halaman web kita antara lain membuat animasi text , membuat animasi pada background dan lain lain. File HTML kita perlu programming untuk melakukan aktivitas semacam itu. Programming dan script ini bisa dibuat dengan menggunakan ASP, Borland Delphy, CGI, PHP, Visual Basic dan yang terkenal saat ini adalah dengan menggunakan java script.

6. Upload HTML :
Setelah file kita telah menjadi html beserta gambar dan scriptnya. Kita perlu meng-upload file kita ke suatu tempat ( hosting ), agar semua orang di dunia dapat mengakses halaman html kita. Biasanya Macromedia Dreamweaver dengan fasilitas site FTP dan Microsoft Frontpage dengan Publishnya telah menyediakan fasilitas upload ini. Atau dapat menggunakan software seperti WS-FTP, Cute FTP, Bullet FTP. Yang perlu menjadi catatan di sini adalah jika kita menggunakan microsoft frontpage kita harus memilih hosting yang mendukung frontpage ini karena tidak semua hosting mendukung frontpage, terutama hosting gratis.

7. memilih hosting :
Untuk homepage pribadi atau yang sekedar ingin coba-coba biasanya setelah file html sudah jadi dapat hosting di tempat-tempat gratis, memakai guestbook dan counter gratis dan menambah macam-macam accesories dalam mempercantik homepage pribadi tersebut. Contohnya yaa seperti homepage saya ini. Lihat tutorial Fasilitas gratis pendukung homepage.

Software-Software yang dipakai

Desain :ntuk mb desain suatu homepage biasanya para web designer dimulai dengan software ini sebagai tampilan sementara atau dalam membuat layout homepage.

1. Adobe Photoshop : Desain berbasis titik ( bitmap )

2. Adobe Image Ready : Memotong gambar-gambar ke dalam format html

3. Adobe Illustrator : Desain berbasis vector

4. CorelDraw : Desain berbasis vector

5. Macromedia Freehand : Desain berbasis vector

Efek Desain :al ini dakukan untuk menghidupkan desain yang telah kita rancang. Seperti menambah efek cahaya, textur dan manipulasi teks.

1. Macromedia Firework : Efek teks

2. Painter : Memberikan efek lukisan

3. Ulead Photo Impact : Efek frame dan merancangan icon yang cantik.

4. Plugins Photoshop : Seperti Andromeda, Alien Skin, Eye Candy, Kai's Power Tool dan Xenofex juga sangat mendukung untuk memberi efek desain sewaktu anda mendesain layout homepage di Photoshop.

Animasi :Pnambahan animasi perlu untuk membuat homepage agar kelihatan menarik dan hidup.

1. 3D Studio Max : Untuk membuat objek dan animasi 3D.

2. Gif Construction Set : Membuat animasi file gif 3. Macromedia Flash : Menampilkan animasi berbasis vector yang berukuran kecil.

3. Microsoft Gif Animator : Membuat animasi file gif

4. Swift 3D : Merancang animasi 3D dengan format file FLASH.

5. Swish : Membuat berbagai macam efek text dengan format file FLASH.

6. Ulead Cool 3D : Membuat animasi efek text 3D.

Web Editor :enyukan keseluruhan gambar dan tata letak desain, animasi, mengisi halaman web dengan teks dan sedikit bahasa script.

1. Alaire Homesite :

2. Cold Fusion :

3. Microsoft Frontpage :

4. Macromedia Dreamweaver :

5. Net Object Fusion :

Programming :l inlakukan setelah sebagian besar desain homepage telah rampung. Programming bertugas sebagai akses database, form isian dan membuat web lebih interaktif. Contoh : Membuat guestbook, Form isian, Forum, Chattin Portal, Lelang dan Iklanbaris.

1. ASP ( Active Server Page ) :

2. Borland Delphy :

3. CGI ( Common Gateway Interface ) :

4. PHP :

5. Perl :

6. Javascript

Upload : html kita perlu di letakkan ( upload ) di suatu tempat ( hosting ) agar orang di seluruh dunia dapat melihat homepage kita.

1. Bullet FTP :

2. Cute FTP :

3. WS-FTP :

4. Macromedia Dreamweaver : dengan fasilitas Site FTP

5. Microsoft Frontpage : dengan fasilitas Publish

Sound Editor :omepage kita belum hidup tanpa musik. Untuk mengedit file midi atau wav, perlu alat khusus untuk itu.

1. Sound Forge : Mengedit dan menambah efek file yang berformat mp3 dan wav.

2. Cakewalk : Mengedit dan menambah efek untuk file yang berformat midi

Banyak sekali memang software untuk membuat suatu homepage dan kita tidak perlu mempelajari semua software tersebut di atas. Tapi untuk mempermudah, bagi pemula lebih baik dimulai terlebih dulu dengan mempelajari software Microsoft Frontpage atau Macromedia Dreamweaver agar lebih mengenal aturan-aturan membuat homepage dan mengenal bahasa html. Setelah itu baru Adobe Photoshop yang dipakai kebanyakan para desainer.


Berikut ini adalah fasilitas-fasilitas gratis yang bisa kita dapatkan dari internet untuk membuat homepage kita menjadi semakin powerfull. Tentunya hal yang kita dapatkan secara gratis akan diimbangi dengan sesuatu yang harus kita terima. Biasanya mereka menampilkan banner di homepage kita dan ini sebenarnya sangat menganggu, tapi tetap saja kita harus menerima bila ingin menggunakan fasilitas gratis tersebut.


Buku tamu di mana orang bisa mengisi identitas tentang dirinya, mengkritik dan memberi saran.

· Lpage

· Guestpage : Mudah di setup (using html tag) agar sesuai dengan tampilan design yang anda mau. Selain itu mereka menyediakan beberapa template guessbook yang ok kalo kita ngga mau cape2 setup.

· The Guestbook


Menghitung seberapa banyak pengunjung yang telah masuk ke homepage kita. Penyedia counter gratis antara lain :

· Dark Counter : menyediakan puluhan model counter sebagai pilihan.

· PageCount

· The Counter

Web Hosting

Tempat menyimpan file html, agar desain homepage kita dapat dilihat oleh pengunjung di seluruh dunia.

· Cybercity

· Freeservers

· Geocities

· Fortunecity

· Xoom


Anda bisa mendapatkan fasilitas email gratis tanpa perlu mendaftarkan diri ke Internet Provider.

· Mailexite

· Netadress

· Geocities

· iName

· Mailcity

Direct URL

Bila url anda terlalu panjang, misalkan : http://www.geocities.com/area51/station/007 , maka dengan direct url ini nama url itu bisa di singkat dengan http://i.am/007.

· CyberName

· Free URL

· Easy to Remember

· Name Zero : fasilitas ini memberikan kita nama domain dot com


Fasilitas ngobrol dapat di buat di homepage Anda sendiri.

· BraveNet Wev Services :Free guestbooks, message forums, form processors, greeting cards, hit counters, search engines and more!


Bila Anda ingin tahu jawaban terbanyak dari para pengunjung tentang pilihan dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan Anda.

· BraveNet Wev Services : Free guestbooks, message forums, form processors, greeting cards, hit counters, search engines and more!

Web Promote

Mempromosikan homepage anda dengan sekali klik, maka homepage kita akan masuk ke beberapa situs search engine.

· Linksubmission

· Jayde

· Fast submit

· Selfpromotion

· Add-Me

· Submit It!

Mailing List

Membuat komunitas lewat email yang membicarakan hal-hal tertentu bersama orang lain.

· Egroups

· Listbot

· Onelist

Web Statistik

Melihat statistik homepage Anda. Dari mana saja pengunjung berasal, browser apa saja yang mereka pakai, hari apa saja homepage kita ramai dikunjungi orang.

· Web Statistic

Web Check

Mengetahui kecepatan loading dan spesifikasi tentang homepage anda.

· NetMechanic

· Web Site Garage


· BraveNet Wev Services : Free guestbooks, message forums, form processors, greeting cards, hit counters, search engines and more!

Senin, 03 Desember 2007

Introduction into Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Publisher 2000 helps you easily create, customize, and publish materials such as newsletters, brochures, flyers, catalogs, and Web sites. Publish easily on your desktop printer

This tutorial will help you get started with Microsoft Publisher and may solve some of your problems, but it is a very good idea to use the Help Files that come with Microsoft Publisher, or go to Microsoft's web site located at
http://microsoft.com/office/publisher/default.htm for further assistance.

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Starting Microsoft Publisher

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Creating a publication using a wizard
  1. On the File menu, click New
  2. Click the Publications by Wizard tab
  3. In the Wizards pane, click the type of publication you want
  4. In the right pane, click the design you want
  5. Click Start Wizard
  6. To make changes to the publication's color scheme, layout, or personal information now, click Next and step through the wizard's questions to make the desired changes.
  7. When you finish making changes, click Finish
  8. In you publication replace the placeholder text and pictures with your own or with other objects.
  9. On the File menu, click Save
  10. In the Save In box, select the folder where you want to save the new publication
  11. In the File name box, type a name for your publication
  12. Click Save

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Using the Quick Publication Wizard with a blank publication
  1. On the File menu, click New
  2. In the Catalog, click Blank Publications
  3. Click the publication type you want and then click Create
  4. In the Quick Publication Wizard pane, click the option you want
  5. In the bottom pane, follow the instructions provided
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each option
  7. On the File menu, click Save
  8. In the Save In box, select the folder where you want to save the new publication
  9. In the File name box, type a name for your publication
  10. Click Save

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Create a new publication based on a template
  1. On the File menu, click New
  2. Click Templates
  3. Double-click the template you want to use for your publication. (Publisher opens a copy of the template)
  4. Make the changes you want to create a new publication
  5. On the File menu, click Save
  6. In the Save In box, select the folder where you want to save the new publication
  7. In the File name box, type a name for your publication
  8. Click Save

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Start a publication from scratch
  1. On the File menu, click New
  2. Click the Blank Publications tab
  3. Click the publication type you want and then click Create OR If you do not see the type of publication you want, click Custom Page at the bottom of the Catalog, and then choose the options you want
  4. On the File menu, click Save
  5. In the Save In box, select the folder where you want to save the new publication
  6. In the File name box, type a name for your publication
  7. Click Save

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Open an existing publication
  1. On the File menu, click Open
  2. Click the publications you want to open, and then click Open. If you do not see the file you want, switch to the drive or folder you previously saved it in.

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Create a table and type text into it
  1. On the Objects toolbar, click the Table Frame Tool
  2. Position the pointer where you want a corner of the table to appear, and then drag the mouse diagonally
  3. In the Create Table dialog box, choose the options you want. As you click different table formats, the Sample box displays them
  4. Click OK
  5. In the table, click where you want to add text, and then start typing. (The table automatically expands when your text fills the cell, unless you lock the table)
  6. Move to the next cell you want to type in

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Pack your publication to take to another computer
  1. On the File menu, point to Pack and Go, and then click Take to Another Computer. The Pack and Go Wizard takes you through each step of the packing process. Click Next to move to the next step.
    If you haven't saved your publication already, the wizard will ask you to save it
  2. If you're taking your publication on disk to another computer, when the wizard asks you to choose a location for saving your file, click A: OR If you're putting your files on an external drive, on a network, or on your computer's hard disk, click Browse, choose the drive and folder you want, and then click OK
  3. Click Next
  4. To embed TrueType fonts and to create links for embedded graphics, click the options you want and add a check mark. OR To not include linked graphics, click to remove the check mark.
  5. Click Next
  6. Click Finish
  7. In Publisher cannot find a linked graphic while packing your publication do one of the following:
  8. Insert another disk if Publisher prompts you, and click OK. Remember the ordering of your disks for when you unpack them
  9. Click OK
  10. Unpack.exe is the program you use to unpack your files, which will be on the first disk.

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Set up a publication for black and white commercial printing
  1. On the Tools menu, point to Commercial Printing Tools, and then click Color Printing.

Introduction into Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful tool to create professional looking presentations and slide shows. PowerPoint allows you to construct presentations from scratch or by using the easy to use wizard.

This tutorial will help you get started with Microsoft PowerPoint and may solve some of your problems, but it is a very good idea to use the Help Files that come with Microsoft PowerPoint, or go to Microsoft's web site located at
http://microsoft.com/office/powerpoint/default.htm for further assistance.

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Starting Microsoft PowerPoint

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Creating & Opening a Presentation
After you open up Microsoft PowerPoint, a screen pops up asking if you would like to create a New Presentation or Open An Existing Presentation.

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Opening An Existing Presentation
  1. Select Open An Existing Presentation from the picture above
  2. Click on your presentation in the white box below step 1

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Create a Blank Presentation
After you select Blank Presentation a window pops up asking you to select the layout of the first slide.

New Slide Layout
Pre-Designed Slide Layouts (Left to Right)
NOTE:If you already know what you want in your next slide, it is a very good idea to choose one of the pre-designed layouts from above. However if you do not, then you can still insert what you want in throughout your Presentation anytime you desire. Just choose Blank Slide and insert items as you see fit.
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Different Views That PowerPoint Demonstrates
There are different views within Microsoft PowerPoint that allow you to look at your presentation from different perspectives.
PowerPoint Views
Normal View Outline View Slide View Slide Sorter View Slide Show View
Switches to normal view, where you can work on one slide at a time or organize the structure of all the slides in your presentation Switches to outline view, where you can work with the structure of your file in outline form. Work in outline view when you need to organize the structure of your file. Switches to slide view, where you can work on one slide at a time Displays miniature versions of all slides in a presentation, complete with text and graphics. In slide sorter view, you can reorder slides, add transitions, and animation effects. You can also set the timings for electronic slide shows. Runs your slide show in a full screen, beginning with the current slide if you are in slide view or the selected slide if you are in slide sorter view. If you simply want to view your show from the first slide:
  1. Click Slide Show at the top of the screen
  2. Select View Show

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Slide Manipulation

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Adding Transitions to a Slide Show

You can add customized transitions to your slide show that will make it come alive and become appealing to your audience. Follow these steps when adding Slide Transitions.
  1. In slide or slide sorter view, select the slide or slides you want to add a transition to.
  2. On the Slide Show menu at the top of the screen, click Slide Transition
    Slide Transitions
  3. In the Effect box, click the transition you want, and then select any other options you want
  4. To apply the transition to the selected slide, click Apply.
  5. To apply the transition to all the slides, click Apply to All.
  6. Repeat the process for each slide you want to add a transition to.
  7. To view the transitions, on the Slide Show menu, click Animation Preview.

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Viewing The Slide Show

You can view your slide show by any of the following ways:
  1. Click Slide Show at the lower left of the PowerPoint window.
  2. On the Slide Show menu, click View Show.
  3. On the View menu, click Slide Show.
  4. Press F5 on the keyboard

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Navigating While In Your Slide Show

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Pack up a presentation for use on another computer

  1. Open the Presentation you want to pack
  2. On the File menu, click Pack and Go
  3. Follow the instructions in the Pack and Go Wizard.

Unpack a presentation to run on another computer

  1. Insert the disk or connect to the network location you packed the presentation to
  2. In My Computer, go to the location of the packed presentation, and then double-click Pngsetup
  3. Enter the destination you want to copy the presentation to

Microsoft Access Description

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Starting Microsoft Access
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Creating New, and Opening Existing Databases

Creating A Database
The above picture gives you the option to:

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Create a database using the Database Wizard

  1. When Microsoft Access first starts up, a dialog box is automatically displayed with options to create a new database or open an existing one. If this dialog box is displayed, click Access Database Wizards, pages, and projects and then click OK.

    If you have already opened a database or closed the dialog box that displays when Microsoft Access starts up, click New Database on the toolbar.

  2. On the Databases tab, double-click the icon for the kind of database you want to create.

  3. Specify a name and location for the database.

  4. Click Create to start defining your new database

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Create a database without using the Database Wizard

  1. When Microsoft Access first starts up, a dialog box is automatically displayed with options to create a new database or open an existing one. If this dialog box is displayed, click Blank Access Database, and then click OK.

    If you have already opened a database or closed the dialog box that displays when Microsoft Access starts up, click New Database on the toolbar, and then double-click the Blank Database icon on the General tab.

  2. Specify a name and location for the database and click Create. (Below is the screen that shows up following this step)

    Database Window

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A table is a collection of data about a specific topic, such as students or contacts. Using a separate table for each topic means that you store that data only once, which makes your database more efficient, and reduces data-entry errors.

Tables organize data into columns (called fields) and rows (called records).
Table Output

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Create a Table from scratch in Design view
  1. If you haven't already done so, switch to the Database Window You can press F11 to switch to the Database window from any other window.
    Database Window
  2. Double-Click on "Create table in Design view".
    Design View
  3. Define each of the fields in your table.

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Primary Key

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Switching Views
Datasheet View Design View
Datasheet View Button
Displays the view, which allows you to enter raw data into your database table.
Design View Button
Displays the view, which allows you to enter fields, data-types, and descriptions into your database table.

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Entering Data

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Manipulating Data

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Advanced Table Features w/Microsoft Access

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After you've set up multiple tables in your Microsoft Access database, you need a way of telling Access how to bring that information back together again. The first step in this process is to define relationships between your tables. After you've done that, you can create queries, forms, and reports to display information from several tables at once.

A relationship works by matching data in key fields - usually a field with the same name in both tables. In most cases, these matching fields are the primary key from one table, which provides a unique identifier for each record, and a foreign key in the other table. For example, teachers can be associated with the students they're responsible for by creating a relationship between the teacher's table and the student's table using the TeacherID fields.

Having met the criteria above, follow these steps for creating relationships between tables.

  1. In the database window view, at the top, click on Tools ---> Relationships
  2. Select the Tables you want to link together, by clicking on them and selecting the Add Button
  3. Drag the primary key of the Parent table (Teacher in this case), and drop it into the same field in the Child table (Student in this case.)
  4. Select Enforce Referential Integrity
    Referential Integrity
    • When the Cascade Update Related Fields check box is set, changing a primary key value in the primary table automatically updates the matching value in all related records.
    • When the Cascade Delete Related Records check box is set, deleting a record in the primary table deletes any related records in the related table
  5. Click Create and Save the Relationship

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A form is nothing more than a graphical representation of a table. You can add, update, delete records in your table by using a form. NOTE: Although a form can be named different from a table, they both still manipulate the same information and the same exact data. Hence, if you change a record in a form, it will be changed in the table also.

A form is very good to use when you have numerous fields in a table. This way you can see all the fields in one screen, whereas if you were in the table view (datasheet) you would have to keep scrolling to get the field you desire.

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Create a Form using the Wizard

It is a very good idea to create a form using the wizard, unless you are an advanced user and know what you are doing. Microsoft Access does a very good job of creating a form using the wizard. The following steps are needed to create a basic form:

  1. Switch to the Database Window. You can do this by pressing F11 on the keyboard.
  2. Click on the Forms button under Objects on the left side of screen
  3. Double click on Create Form Using Wizard
  4. On the next screen select the fields you want to view on your form. Most of the time you would select all of them.
  5. Click Next
  6. Select the layout you wish
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the style you desire...HINT: if you plan on printing your form, I suggest you use a light background to save on printer toner and ink
  9. Click Next
  10. Give you form a name, and select Open the Form and enter information
  11. Select Finish
  12. You should see your form. To adjust the design of your form, simply hit the design button (same as with the tables), and adjust your form accordingly

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A report is an effective way to present your data in a printed format. Because you have control over the size and appearance of everything on a report, you can display the information the way you want to see it.

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Create a Report using the Wizard

As with the Form, it is a very good idea to create a report using the wizard, unless you are an advanced user. Microsoft Access does a very good job using the wizard to create reports.

  1. Switch to the Database Window. You can do this by pressing F11 on the keyboard.
  2. Click on the Reports button under Objects on the left side of screen
  3. Double click on Create Report Using Wizard
  4. On the next screen select the fields you want to view on your form. Most of the time you would select all of them.
  5. Click Next
  6. Select if you would like to group your files. Keep repeating this step for as many groupings as you would like.
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the layout and the paper orientation you desire
  9. Click Next
  10. Select the style you desire...HINT: if you plan on printing your report, I suggest you use a light background to save on printer toner and ink
  11. Click Next
  12. Give you report a name, and select Preview the Report
  13. Select Finish
  14. You should see your report. To adjust the design of your report, simply hit the design button (same as with the tables), and adjust your report accordingly

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Creating Mail Merge Labels using a Wizard

Microsoft Access lets you create Mailing Labels for your database that you have. To do this do the following:

  1. Switch to the Database Window. You can do this by pressing F11 on the keyboard.
  2. Click on the Reports button under Objects on the left side of screen
  3. Click on New
    Mail Merge
  4. Select Label Wizard and the table you would like to get your information from.
    Label Wizard
  5. Click OK
  6. Select the layout of your labels
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the font size and color you want on each label
  9. Click Next
  10. Select how you want your label to look
  11. Click Next
  12. Select how you want your labels sorted
  13. Give your label report a name and preview it

Lesson 4: Creating Charts

Using Microsoft Excel, you can represent numbers in a chart. You can choose from a variety of chart types. And, as you change your data, your chart will automatically update. You can use Microsoft Excel's Chart Wizard to take you through the process step-by-step.

Creating a Column Chart


To create the column chart shown above, start by creating the spreadsheet below exactly as shown.


After you have created the spreadsheet, you are ready to create your chart.

  1. Highlight cells A3 to D6. You must highlight all the cells containing the data you want in your chart. You should also include the data labels.
  2. Choose Insert > Chart from the menu.
  3. Click Column to select the type of chart you want to create.
  4. In the Chart Sub-type box, choose the Clustered Column icon to select the chart sub-type.

Chart wizard

  1. Click Next.
  2. To place the product names on the x-axis, select the Columns radio button.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Type Toy Sales in the Chart Title field. Toy Sales will appear as the title of your chart.
  5. Type Products in the Category (X) Axis field. Products will appear as your x-axis title.
  6. Type Units Sold in the Value (Y) Axis field. Units Sold will appear as your y-axis title.
  7. Choose the Data Labels tab.
  8. Select Value in the Labels Contain Frame to display the data labels as values.
  9. Choose the Data Table tab.
  10. Select Show Data Table. The data table will appear below your chart.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Choose As Object In Sheet1 to make your chart an embedded object and part of the worksheet.
  13. Click Finish
  14. Your chart will appear on the spreadsheet.

Changing the Size and Position of a Chart

When you select a chart, handles appear on the right and left sides, the top and bottom, and the corners of the chart. You can drag the handles on the top and bottom of the chart to increase or decrease the height of the chart. You can drag the handles on the left and right sides of the chart to increase or decrease the width of the chart. You can drag the handles on the corners of the chart to increase or decrease the size of the chart proportionally.

Changing a chart

You can change the position of a chart by clicking on the chart and dragging

  1. Use the handles to adjust the size of your chart.
  2. Click the chart and drag to position the chart under the data.

Modify Your Chart

You can modify your chart by using the Chart toolbar. If the Chart toolbar is not already available, choose View > Toolbars > Chart from the menu.

Chart toolbar
Chart Toolbar

To change the data area font size:

  1. Click the down arrow on the Chart toolbar. A drop-down menu opens.
  2. Choose Data Table from the drop-down menu.

Data table

  1. Click the Options icon Options icon. Choose the Font tab.
  2. In the Size box, type 8.
  3. Click OK. Your font size is now 8.

To change the angle of the data labels:

  1. Click the down arrow on the Chart toolbar. A drop-down menu opens.
  2. Choose "Region 1" Data Labels from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Angle Counter Clockwise icon Counter clockwise icon. The Region 1 Data Labels are angled counter-clockwise.
  4. Repeat this process for Regions 2 and 3.

To change the font size of the Region data labels:

  1. Click the down arrow on the Chart toolbar. A drop-down menu opens.
  2. Choose "Region 1" Data Labels from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Options icon. Choose the Font tab.
  4. In the Size box, type 6.
  5. Click OK. Your font size is now 6.
  6. Repeat this process for Region 2 and 3.

You can also make changes by double-clicking on the item you want to change.

To change the chart scale:

  1. Double-click on the scale. The Format Axis dialog box opens.


  1. Choose the Scale tab.
  2. Type 400 in the Major Unit field.
  3. Click OK. Your chart is now scaled in units of 400.

Saving Your File

To save your file:

  1. Choose File>Save from the menu.
  2. Go to the directory in which you want to save your file.
  3. Type lesson4 in the File Name field.
  4. Click Save.

Closing Microsoft Excel

This is the end of Lesson 4. Close Microsoft Excel.

  1. Choose File > Exit from the menu.